СloudLinux Blog

CloudLinux OS 8.3 has been rolled out to 100% and is now available for all customers

Written by Inessa Atmachian | Dec 24, 2020 3:55:56 PM

I'm very pleased to announce that a new CloudLinux OS 8.3 has been rolled out to 100% and is now available for all customers.

You can find upstream release notes here: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/8.3_release_notes/index.

How to upgrade

Due to the changed repository structure, you should update the cloudlinux-release package first:

dnf install cloudlinux-release

After the cloudlinux-release package upgrade is finished, do the full system upgrade using the following command:

dnf upgrade

Converting CentOS 8.3 to CloudLinux 8.3

Now, you can convert CentOS 8.3 to CloudLinux 8.3 using our cldeploy script.