I'm very pleased to announce that a new CloudLinux OS 8.3 has been scheduled for gradual rollout from our production repository and will be available for all customers in a week.
You can find upstream release notes here: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/8.3_release_notes/index.
Due to the changed repository structure, you should update the cloudlinux-release package first:
dnf install cloudlinux-release
You can also install it from the bypass repository if you really don’t want to wait until the gradual rollout phase will be completed:
dnf install cloudlinux-release --enablerepo=cloudlinux-rollout-3-bypass
After the cloudlinux-release package upgrade is finished, do the full system upgrade using the following command:
dnf upgrade
You will be able to convert CentOS 8.3 to CloudLinux 8.3 using our cldeploy script when the CloudLinux OS 8.3 gradual rollout will be completed. We're planning to complete it by December 21.
For now, you can convert CentOS 8.2 to CloudLinux 8.2 and then upgrade to CloudLinux 8.3 or wait when the CloudLinux OS 8.3 gradual rollout will be completed.