Author: Maria Medvedeva

Hivelocity Joins All-Star Lineup for ELevate Webinar

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We’re pleased to announce that System Administrator Eric Lewellen from world-class web-hosting provider Hivelocity will be joining our esteemed panel of experts speaking at the upcoming webinar “Don’t End of Life and Replace … ELevate in Place!”

New Webinar Announcement: Don’t End of Life and Replace…ELevate in Place!


Join us in discussing how you can upgrade from CentOS / CloudLinux OS 7 to 8 through AlmaLinux’s ELevate. This open-source project allows migrating between major versions of RHEL-based distributions. Through a combination of Red Hat’s Leapp framework, a community-created library, and a service for the required migration metadata, ELevate supports a seamless migration to minimize risk and avoid interruptions.



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