Tag: cloudlinux

Transitioning from CentOS 7 to CloudLinux OS 8: Upgrade for Enhanced Security and Performance


As the CentOS 7 lifecycle nears its end, many businesses and IT professionals face the challenge of finding a suitable, secure, and high-performing replacement for their server environments. The perfect solution? Upgrading to CloudLinux OS 8. This upgrade is not just a step forward; it's a leap towards greater stability, security, and efficiency.

CloudLinux ELevate: Stable Version Now Released. Simplified Transitioning from CloudLinux 7 to 8


CloudLinux ELevate: Stable Version Now Released

CloudLinux proudly announces the stable release of ELevate, making it easier for users to transition from CloudLinux 7 to CloudLinux 8. With enhanced features and refinements, ELevate ensures a smooth migration journey for hosting providers. Learn more about ELevate here.

Note: Even after the stable release, ELevate represents a significant alteration to the operating system's structure and carries potential risks. Therefore, making a full server backup before initiating the ELevate process is crucial to ensure the server's recovery and functionality should any issues arise.

Elevating WordPress Hosting: The WP Squared and CloudLinux Collaboration

Elevating WordPress Hosting: The WP Squared and CloudLinux Collaboration

WebPros is excited to launch WP Squared, a revolutionary WordPress hosting solution, and CloudLinux is equally pleased to be part of this venture. This partnership fundamentally changes the hosting landscape by delivering unmatched speed, security, and performance—key elements for any successful website. WP Squared simplifies WordPress management, offering a streamlined, user-oriented platform that incorporates CloudLinux's cutting-edge products - Imunify360 Unlimited, CloudLinux OS Shared Pro, and AccelerateWP Premium.

Discover the Future of WordPress at WordCamp Phoenix 2024 with CloudLinux’s CEO

WordCamp Phoenix 2024 with CloudLinux’s CEO

Attention WordPress enthusiasts! The much-anticipated WordCamp Phoenix 2024 is just around the corner, and it’s shaping up to be an event you won’t want to miss. Scheduled for February 9-10 at Phoenix College in Arizona, this event promises to be a melting pot of ideas, innovations, and insights in the world of WordPress.


Welcoming Patchman to the CloudLinux Family: A Strategic Acquisition for Enhanced Solutions

CloudLinux acquires Patchman for superior tech solutions

At Cloud Linux Software, Inc., we are thrilled to share a pivotal update with our community. Today marks a significant milestone in our growth and commitment to delivering superior solutions in the tech industry. We are proud to announce the acquisition of the Patchman service from Patchman B.V., a strategic move that aligns with our vision of offering cutting-edge services and technologies.

Getting ready for 7 to 8 migration with CloudLinux ELevate: Release Candidate #2. Join our test group to speed up Stable release!

CL_CloudLinux Elevate_V1 copy

Following Release Candidate #1, we are pleased to report significant progress in the number of helpful clients who have been assisting us in transitioning to the stable version with their feedback. We are now ready to announce Release Candidate #2.

CloudLinux ELevate, the project designed to support migrations between major versions of RHEL derivatives, has reached an exciting milestone with the release of its first candidate version. With various improvements and enhancements in cPanel integration, the ELevate project is rapidly progressing towards its stable release. You learn more about CloudLinux ELevate on our website here and follow our updates in a blog.

Make Your Managed VPS Offering Stand Out with AccelerateWP: Premium WordPress Performance Comparable to High-End Managed WordPress Hosting

CL_Stand Out in Your Managed VPS Hosting_V2 copy

For VPS providers looking to enhance their WordPress offering, our latest performance features are now ready for integration. Depending on your infrastructure and client base, these functionalities can be made available to individual VPS users or implemented on all your VPS servers with CloudLinux OS Solo or Admin licenses. With the addition of AccelerateWP premium services, you can provide top-tier optimization value to your VPS customers.

Webinar: "One year since release: New capabilities and How your end-users can benefit from AccelerateWP"

AccelerateWP Live Webinar

Join us for the AccelerateWP Live Webinar on October 3, 2023, at 11 am EST, where we'll celebrate one year of achievements and explore the incredible capabilities of AccelerateWP, along with the benefits it can bring to your end-users.


Our distinguished speakers include Dennis Kittrell, VP of Hosting Products, who will unveil the remarkable features released in the past year and demonstrate how AccelerateWP can elevate websites on your servers. Additionally, Kateryna Obiidykhata, our Product Marketing Manager, will shed light on the invaluable resources and support AccelerateWP offers.

Introducing Apache2Nginx: Unlock server performance and seamlessly transition from Apache to shared hosting-ready Nginx

Apache2NginxWe are thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking solution tailored to enable your CloudLinux servers ca: Apache2Nginx. Imagine seamlessly migrating to more powerful Nginx, with adapted settings for the hosting environment, and without compromising Apache's distinctive functionality. Apache2Nginx makes this a reality. The Beta version of Apache2Nginx is available for all CloudLinux OS users and allows significantly boost your web server performance, by serving the static files faster, as shows our tests to double the performance. We are now looking forward to seeing feedback results from our customers. 

CloudLinux Elevate: Release Candidate #1 is Ready! New improvements for your 7 to 8 migration!

CL Elevate Release Candidate
CloudLinux Elevate, the project designed to support migrations between major versions of RHEL derivatives, has reached an exciting milestone with the release of its first candidate version. With various improvements and enhancements of cPanel integration, the Elevate project is rapidly progressing towards its stable release. This blog post will delve into the improvements brought by CloudLinux Elevate's release candidate #1 and explain why now is the perfect time to plan your migration.



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