We're excited to unveil the latest milestone in our journey: CloudLinux OS 8.10 Stable Release! This release marks a significant step forward in enhancing the performance, security, and stability of your hosting environment. Check instructions below on how to install & upgrade and find more information on detailed changelog.
We're excited to unveil the latest milestone in our journey: CloudLinux OS 9.4 Stable Release! This release marks a significant step forward in enhancing the performance, security, and stability of your hosting environment.
CloudLinux proudly announces the stable release of ELevate, making it easier for users to transition from CloudLinux 7 to CloudLinux 8. With enhanced features and refinements, ELevate ensures a smooth migration journey for hosting providers. Learn more about ELevate here.
Note: Even after the stable release, ELevate represents a significant alteration to the operating system's structure and carries potential risks. Therefore, making a full server backup before initiating the ELevate process is crucial to ensure the server's recovery and functionality should any issues arise.
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