CloudLinux 7 and CloudLinux 6 Hybrid kernel version 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.63 has been rolled out to 100% and is now available for download from our production repository.
A new updated web-monitoring-tool package has been scheduled for gradual rollout.
A new updated cldeploy script version 1.81 is now available for download from the CloudLinux repository https://repo.cloudlinux.com/cloudlinux/sources/cln/cldeploy.
New updated Alt-PHP packages have been rolled out to 100% and are now available for download from our production repository.
New updated EasyApache packages are now available for download from our updates-testing and rollout repositories.
A new alt-php package was updated in the current rollout.
A new updated gd package within CloudLinux OS 6 ELS has been rolled out to 100% and is now available for download from our production repository.
New updated cl-MySQL80 and cl-MySQL57 packages are now available for download from our updates-testing repository.
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