Tag: webhosting

Enhancing Hosting Experience: CloudLinux OS Now Supports Webuzo Control Panel

Webuzo Control Panel Now Supports CloudLinux OS

For hosting providers who rely on the Webuzo control panel, exciting news awaits. The CloudLinux OS and Webuzo teams have been hard at work to provide seamless integration between the two. This blog post will walk you through the developments, supported features, and installation process, for hosting providers who use Webuzo as their preferred control panel.

CloudLinux OS 8 and 9 in post RedHat world

CloudLinux OS 8 and 9 in post RedHat world

Today CloudLinux OS OS 8 and 9 are based on AlmaLinux OS. The recent news from RedHat brings up a lot of questions regarding the feasibility of that solution going forward. CloudLinux remains committed to being a sponsor of the AlmaLinux OS Foundation. We believe there is a need for free, enterprise-grade operating systems.



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