Beta: Alt-PHP 80 released

We are glad to announce that new Alt-PHP 80 packages were released to our updates-testing repository.
- ALTPHP-1026: Fixed directory for scanning ini files
- ALTPHP-1029: Fixed adding records for alt-php80 in the selector.conf
- ALTPHP-1028: Fixed scripts to make usage of PHP 8.0 possible for panels
- ALTPHP-1025: Added lsphp to "Requires" of the php-cli package
- Initial build with apcu, dbase, lzf, mailparse, memcached, psr, raphf, timezonedb, and zmq
Install command
yum groupinstall alt-php80 --enablerepo=cloudlinux-updates-testing
Install command for CloudLinux 8
yum install alt-php80* --enablerepo=cloudlinux-updates-testing