Beta: LVE Manager, LVE-Utils, and LVE-Stats updated
New updated LVE Manager, LVE-Utils, and LVE-Stats packages are now available for download from our updates-testing repository.
- LU-1816: Changing username in Plesk leads to incorrect user showing in the LVE Manager
- LU-1784: lveps/lvetop doesn't show memory usage on CloudLinux 7 hybrid/CloudLinux 8
- WEB-1920: Show the loader while X-Ray bundle is loading
- WEB-1931: Do not check domains compatibility for the Dashboard
- WEB-1924: Sentry: improvements for getting events
- WEB-1903: Adapt X-Ray integration tests to the CLN CloudLinux+ accounts
- WEB-1839: X-Ray: integration tests
- WEB-1929: Change cldiag message and behavior for checking domains compatibility
- WEB-1798: Admin side: test cases for the Domains table
- WEB-1857: Admin: PHP Selector -> getting user's domains while diagnostic is running
- WEB-1860: Default values for PHP Selector are not applied (part II)
- WEB-1860: Default values for PHP Selector are not applied
- LVES-999: the STATS_HTML table format is different after Python 2.7 to Python 3.7 migration
Update command
yum update lvemanager lve-stats lve-utils --enablerepo=cloudlinux-updates-testing