CloudLinux Website Monitoring - new useful module in LVE Manager

CloudLinux released to beta new LVE tool for monitoring the performance of all the websites hosted on the server - CloudLinux Website Monitoring. This module is completely free for all CloudLinux OS users and included with both CloudLinux OS and CloudLinux OS+ and now available for download from our updates-testing repository.
CloudLinux Website Monitoring allows you to detect the slowest websites on your server as well as the slowest URLs of these websites.
CloudLinux Website Monitoring also allows you to see the statistics of website errors and calculates the average response time for each website on the server.
You can receive even more detailed analytics combining CloudLinux Website Monitoring with the PHP X-Ray, PHP performance monitoring tool included in CloudLinux OS+. Create the list of the slowest websites and check them with the PHP X-Ray tool to find the exact reason for the website’s low speed and errors. Get CloudLinux OS+ free trial.
Learn how to install and configure CloudLinux Website Monitoring here Website monitoring tool and Slow Site analyzer