How To Fix A Slow Site With PHP X-Ray
When a web site slows down, there’s usually a problem with its content management system. To restore its performance, it used to be necessary to delve into its WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal installation and diagnose the problem by hand. Now, on servers that run CloudLinux OS+, performance problems can be identified immediately using a new tool called PHP X-Ray.
PHP X-Ray, included with CloudLinux OS+, provides detailed information on performance bottlenecks that involve the CMS. If a site has sluggish plugins, database queries, functions, or external calls, this new tool helps pinpoint the underlying problem. Below are instructions on how to use it to fix a slow site.
Fixing A Slow Site
- Create a tracing task in PHP X-Ray.
- Specify the URL for the slow site. You’ll want to preserve the default settings.
- Visit the slow site, and do something like leave a comment, to make a POST request. This will enable PHP X-Ray to gather information on the site’s performance.
- Return to the tracing task. You’ll see the slowest requests at the top of the list.
- View the Details page that displays the performance issues. For instance, if one of the WordPress plugins uses a lot of resources, you’ll see that here.
- Disable the plugin through the WordPress administration interface.
- Visit the site again and make some more requests. The site should load more quickly than it did before. The Details page should show no performance issues.
Additionally, check our WordPress Security Ultimate Guide for 2021 to learn more about WordPress Security in 2021.
Watch The Instructional Video
To learn how to fix a slow web site using PHP X-Ray, you can also view this short video:
Become A Beta Tester
We at CloudLinux are seeking beta testers to help us refine PHP X-Ray. By becoming a beta tester, you’ll be able to help shape this new tool to meet your requirements.
To become a beta tester for PHP X-Ray, just login to CLN, then click on the PHP X-Ray beta testing banner. You’ll need a CloudLinux OS license ordered directly from CloudLinux to participate in beta testing.
Give Us Your Feedback
As a beta tester, you’re an important part of the development process. We welcome and encourage your questions, comments, and observations.
Please give us your feedback using the link provided in the PHP X-Ray web interface. You’ll see the link after it’s installed.