Kernel and kernel module for CloudLinux 7 hybrid updated

CloudLinux 7 hybrid kernel based on Red Hat kernel-4.18.0-147.1.3 and kernel module lve-kmod-2.0.14 are now available for download from our production repository.
lve-kmod 2.0-14
- KB-67: add LVE dependency on kernel update
How to update
yum update rhn-client-tools
yum update kernel kmod-lve
How to install
The process of converting from standard to hybrid CloudLinux OS 7 is the same as for version 6. You can read about it here.
- First, install CloudLinux OS 7.
- Next, run the following commands as root.
yum update rhn-client-tools rhn-check rhn-setup
yum update kernel kmod-lve