LVE Manager, LVE-Stats, LVE-Utils and Alt-Python27-Cllib have been rolled out to 100%

New updated LVE Manager, LVE-Stats, LVE-Utils and Alt-Python27-Cllib packages have been rolled out to 100% and are now available for download from our production repository.
- WEB-1959: Wizard tests: skip governor is valid when new governor unavailable
- WEB-1960: Use yum install alt-pythonxx instead of groupinstall
- WEB-1458: Dashboard (mod_lsapi + LiteSpeed)
- CMT-126 bump cllib version to use fixed xml parser
- LVEMAN-1684: Added prohibition of deleting system versions (2.7, 3.7) of Python
- LU-1881: Add a few metrics to CloudLinux statistics
- LU-1903: Run app-detector on random day
- LU-1865 Do not remove cmt package if it does not exist
- WEB-1458: Dashboard (mod_lsapi + LiteSpeed)
- CMT-163: Temporary remove autoinstallation of CM package and start of demons
- CMT-141 rename centralized-management to cl-end-server tools
- CMT-135: add missing cron
- LU-1865: Add activate/deactivate mechanism for Endserver-tools
- CMT-126 bump cllib version to use fixed xml parser
- LVES-1006: Change text about 'Resource usage' details page.
- LU-1881: Add a few metrics to CloudLinux statistics
- LU-1903: Run app-detector on random day
- LU-1883: Fix load_fast failure for non-utf8 chars in config
- LVEMAN-1683: Escape formatting characters (%) inside exception message.
- CAG-1062: [CloudLinux L8.2] Mount socket of systemd-journal into CageFS
- LU-1865: Add activate/deactivate mechanism for Endserver-tools
- CAG-1062: [CloudLinux 8.2] Mount socket of systemd-journal into CageFS (part2)
- CAG-1069: fix an ability to bypass CageFS using sendmail (reported by David Gnedt from SBA Research)
Instruction for installation, update and downgrade
Install command:
# yum install lvemanager lve-utils lve-stats calt-python27-cllib
Update command:
# yum update lvemanager lve-utils lve-stats alt-python27-cllib
Downgrade command:
# yum downgrade lvemanager lve-utils lve-stats alt-python27-cllib