LVE Manager, LVE-Stats, LVE-Utils, and CageFS have been scheduled for gradual rollout

New updated LVE Manager, LVE-Stats, LVE-Utils, and CageFS packages have been scheduled for gradual rollout from our production repository.
Rollout slot: 4
Rolled out to: 0.2%
ETA for 100% rollout: July, 30th
Changelog (click to expand)
- WEB-1888: Find out the roots of the DirectAdmin license problem during tests
- X-Ray plugin page
- WEB-1891: Use the Open Nebula API instead of Vagrant to manage VMs while testing
- WEB-1872: Bug with cPanel logo in CloudLinux applications
- WEB-1894: Fix Protractor tests for checking license on DirectAdmin
- WEB-1860: Default values for PHP Selector are not applied
- WEB-1860: Default values for PHP Selector are not applied(part II)
- WEB-1857: Admin: PHP Selector -> getting user's domains while diagnostic is running
- WEB-1798: Admin side: test cases for the Domains table
- WEB-1929: Change cldiag message and behavior for checking domains compatibility
- WEB-1839: X-Ray: integration tests
- WEB-1903: Adapt X-Ray integration tests to the CloudLinux+ CLN account
- WEB-1924: Sentry: improvements for getting events
- WEB-1931: "Not all domains use PHP Selector" is not malfunction
- WEB-1920: Show loader while X-Ray bundle is loading
- LVEMAN-1670: Version switch on Plesk for some users
- WEB-1922: LVE Manager interface is broken
- WEB-1927: Hide cPanel LVE Package extension for resellers unconditionally
- WEB-1926: Surveys tools: Customer’s interface
- WEB-1930: PHP Selector: Add the "ready CloudLinux Selector" group
- WEB-1926: Surveys tools: Customer’s interface (II)
- WEB-1901: Cannot open LVE Manager on cPanel-11.56
- WEB-1926: Surveys tools: Customer’s interface (III)
- LVES-999 STATS_HTML table format is different after py27 > py37 migration
- LU-1818: Get more info about call `rpm -qa` if it returns non-zero code
- LU-1789: check failed on CloudLinux
- CAG-1049: lve_namespaces service should be started after zfs-mount service
- WEB-1929: Change cldiag message and behavior for checking domains compatibility
- LU-1828: fix spec: build of lve-utils package fails on CloudLinux 8
- LU-1784: lveps/lvetop doesn't show memory usage on CloudLinux 7 hybrid/CloudLinux 8
- LU-1816: Change of username in Plesk leads to incorrect user showing in LVE Manager
- LU-1842: Dashboard update finished with "Result of last sending: Collecting statistics was failed. Error report has been sent to developers and will be fixed soon."
- LU-1047: Check if statistics is enabled BEFORE running asynchronous process
- LU-1836: The result of call rpm -qa --queryformat has an invalid line
- LU-1849: cldiag typo
- LU-1843: Add polkitd user to the clsupergid
- LU-1862: Add logging to the package_reinstaller
- LU-1751: Add AppVersionDetector as a dependency and execute it once a month to collect stats
- CAG-876: CageFS should not follow symlinks to /etc/cl.selector or /etc/cl.php.d
- CAG-1055: Create /etc/cagefs/enable.duplicate.uids file for Plesk
- CAG-1051: Absolute /bin => /usr/bin symlink makes CageFS to remove real files from the system
- Release app version detector for CloudLinux OS
Release Notes
Please note that the alt-php74-imunify-7.4.7-2 package is used as a dependency for the app-version-detector. You can use regular alt-php74 packages as usual.
Instruction for installation, update and downgrade
# yum install lvemanager lve-utils lve-stats cagefs
# yum update lvemanager lve-utils lve-stats cagefs
# yum downgrade lvemanager lve-utils cagefs cagefs-safebin lve-stats --disablerepo=cloudlinux-updates-testing && yum remove app-version-detector
Immediate installation (via bypass):
yum install lvemanager lve-utils lve-stats cagefs --enablerepo=cloudlinux-rollout-4-bypass