LVE Manager, LVE-Stats, LVE-Utils, CageFS, and Alt-Python27-Cllib have been rolled out to 100%

New updated LVE Manager, LVE-Stats, LVE-Utils, CageFS, and Alt-Python27-Cllib packages have been rolled out to 100% and are now available for download from our production repository.
- WEB-1999: Organize using two versions of the X-Ray bundle via LVE Manager
- WEB-1988: Survey tool: add an ability to create survey with the "other" answer only
- LVEMAN-1689: The "Contact support" feature doesn't attach the Doctor key results
- WEB-1993: Fixed the problem with images in the Nightly job
- CMT-221: Added package versions tags to Sentry
- WEB-1707: Prepare Jenkins job for cleanup old images
- WEB-1971: Change checking the X-Ray status via to checking the cl_plus status in the jwt token
- WEB-1551: Typo on a logo in Installation Wizard in Firefox
- LVEMAN-1684: Part 2. Change uninstall_version error format.
- WEB-1964: Correct message to prevent deleting the alt-python 2.7 and 3.7 versions from UI
- WEB-1947: Error when accessing via CloudFlare-protected domain
- LVES-1009: Add Centralized Monitoring plugin for lve-stats2
- CMT-221: Add package versions tags to Sentry
- CAG-856: Removing web/ftp user on Plesk server is causing LVE limits removing for the user
- CMT-221: Add package versions tags to Sentry
- LU-1899: cldiag: add ability to disable specific list of notifications
- LU-1903: Run app-detector on random day. Part 2
- LU-1881: Add a few metrics to the CloudLinux statistics
- LU-1890: Add the cldiag hidepid checker
- CMT-221: Add package versions tags to Sentry
- CMT-235: Add cron for verifying that jwt is correct [for beta only]
- LVES-1009: Add Centralized Monitoring plugin for lve-stats2
- LU-1881: Add a few metrics to the CloudLinux statistics
- CMT-221: Add package versions tags to Sentry
Update command
yum update lvemanager lve-utils cagefs alt-python27-cllib lve-stats