If you're an end user experiencing issues with the NodeJS or Python selector apps in cPanel, you may have encountered an infinite loading screen. This issue can be frustrating, especially when you need to manage your environments efficiently.
An issue appearing as a reboot of a machine due to the race conditions was discovered in the lve-utils-6.2.4-1 package which was rolled out in slot 1.
New updated initscripts packages were updated in the current rollout. These packages have to be considered as very important because they fix a critical bug that can lead to removing system files.
A new sudo package with the CVE-2021-3156 fix for CloudLinux 7 and CloudLinux 8 is now available for download from our production repository.
The package alt-python27-clllib-1.6.9-3 is available to fix the issue with hooks installation.
Affected version: alt-python27-cllib-1.6.8-1
Fix version: alt-python27-clllib-1.6.9-3
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