A new updated Centralized Monitoring Server package version 1.0.28 is now available.
A new updated Centralized Monitoring Server package version 1.0.26 is now available.
A new updated Centralized Monitoring Server package version 1.0.24 is now available.
A new updated Centralized Monitoring Server package version 1.0.23 is now available.
A new updated Centralized Monitoring Server package version 1.0.22 is now available.
A new updated Centralized Monitoring Server package version 1.0.21 is now available.
A new updated Centralized Monitoring Server package version 1.0.20 is now available.
A new updated Centralized Monitoring Server package version 1.0.18 is now available.
A new updated Centralized Monitoring Server package version 1.0.17 is now available.
Thousands of sites could be hosted on one physical server, and just one application could affect all other sites hosted on the server. Shared host providers must be diligent with monitoring and performance tuning on these servers to ensure that applications run smoothly and don’t have malware running on them (learn more about shared hosting security). With the right tools, shared hosting providers can improve site performance for customers while boosting overall revenue.
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