Tag: cloudlinux-9

CloudLinux 9 Long-Term Support (LTS) Kernel: Combining Stability and Advanced Features


We would like to introduce a Long-term support (LTS) Kernel for CloudLinux 9. It is for those who prioritize long-term stability, you can switch to the LTS CloudLinux kernel while still benefiting from all features of CloudLinux.

Tech Update: CloudLinux 9 and cPanel 118 Integration Now Stable for Production

CloudLinux 9 and cPanel 118 Integration
The CloudLinux OS team is pleased to announce that CL9 + cPanel is now ready for production use. After eagerly awaiting the stable release of cPanel version 118, we can now officially confirm its availability. For detailed information on supported operating systems for cPanel, check out the official documentation here.


CloudLinux OS 9: The Experimental cPanel Integration available for testing

CL_CloudLinux OS 9 + cPanel_V1 copyIt has been a while since we initially launched CloudLinux OS 9 for non-panel and custom panel installations. Today, we are taking a step forward by introducing the experimental release of CloudLinux OS 9, now featuring control panel support.

CloudLinux OS 9 is now available for non-panel and custom panel installations. Beta release.


CloudLinux is breaking into the new 2023 year with the CloudLinux OS 9 release for non-panel and custom panel installations. The new version with the kernel and system packages update brings the experience of a powerful Linux community to CloudLinux customers. In this article, we’ll outline all the new features and benefits of CloudLinux OS 9 as well and mention the system limitations.

Cldeploy script updated


A new updated cldeploy script version 1.95 is now available for download from the CloudLinux repository https://repo.cloudlinux.com/cloudlinux/sources/cln/cldeploy.



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