Tag: directadmin

Announcing Support for CloudLinux 9 with DirectAdmin

Announcing Support for CloudLinux 9 with DirectAdmin

We are thrilled to announce that DirectAdmin, the powerful and user-friendly control panel, is now fully supported on CloudLinux 9. This exciting development brings enhanced stability, security, and performance to your hosting environment, making it easier than ever to manage your web hosting services.


Announcing the Release: AccelerateWP is Live for DirectAdmin!

CL_AWP directadmin_V1 copyAccelerateWP officially exited beta status earlier this year and our team has since introduced more than 15 new features that enhance the value of AccelerateWP even more. We are delighted to conclude this year of development by providing support for another important segment of our clients - those using DirectAdmin. We're thrilled to announce that CloudLinux OS is now fully integrated and compatible with hosting software for all our clients. DirectAdmin users who have been eagerly awaiting AccelerateWP can now jump on board. You are warmly invited to become AccelerateWP providers.

Beta: CloudLinux OS Solo & DirectAdmin – better together


CloudLinux OS Solo is growing and expanding so that more and more customers can bring all the benefits of the CloudLinux OS Solo edition to manage their servers.

Client PHP Selector for DirectAdmin—production release

We are really happy to announce that our valuable DirectAdmin users now can take all advantages of client PHP Selector, including ultimate flexibility and friendly user interface. Just update your LVE Manager to the latest 5.0.6-2 version.


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