Tag: technical-blog

CageFS, alt-php-xray, alt-php-ssa, LVE Manager, alt-python27-cllib, LVE-Utils, and LVE-Stats have been scheduled for gradual rollout


New updated CageFS, alt-php-xray, alt-php-ssa, LVE Manager, alt-python27-cllib, LVE-Utils, and LVE-Stats packages have been scheduled for gradual rollout from our production repository.

CloudLinux OS 8.5 Released


We are pleased to announce that a new CloudLinux OS 8.5 is now available. CloudLinux 8.5 is the first CloudLinux version based on AlmaLinux repositories. All packages specific to CloudLinux are now provided by CLN and are unavailable in public repositories.

EasyApache4 has been rolled out to 100%


New updated EasyApache packages have been rolled out to 100% and are now available for download from our production repository.

Introducing Autotracing - A New Feature Added to the CloudLinux OS

Introducing Autotracing

The CloudLinux team is happy to announce a new feature release called Autotracing. Autotracing automatically creates tracing tasks on the server and shows detailed analytics for the slowest URLs on a website on a daily basis. Together with all PHP X-Ray components, Autotracing gives you advanced control and manageability of PHP applications on your server.  

LVE Manager package has been rolled out to 100%


A new updated LVE Manager package has been rolled out to 100% and is now available for download from our production repository.

Alt-PHP has been scheduled for gradual rollout


New updated alt-PHP packages have been scheduled for gradual rollout from our production repository.

CloudLinux OS 6 ELS: nss package has been scheduled for gradual rollout


A new updated nss package within CloudLinux OS 6 ELS has been scheduled for gradual rollout from our production repository.

Beta: alt-php-pear-ext updated


New updated alt-php-pear-ext packages are now available for download from our updates-testing repository.

The kmod package has been rolled out to 100%


A new updated kmod package for CloudLinux OS 8 and CloudLinux OS 7 Hybrid has been rolled out to 100% and is now available for download from our production repository.

CloudLinux OS 6 ELS: binutils package has been rolled out to 100%


A new updated binutils package within CloudLinux OS 6 ELS has been rolled out to 100% and is now available for download from our production repository.



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