New updated Alt-PHP packages have been scheduled for gradual rollout from our production repository.
We at CloudLinux have a mechanism allowing to bring kernel and kernel module updates from CentOS 8 to the CloudLinux OS Shared 7 kernel – we call it hybridization – and so the kernel is hybrid. You might notice such names as “CloudLinux OS 7 Hybrid” in our announcements.
New updated packages related to our new tool – WP Optimization Suite for CloudLinux OS Solo have been scheduled for gradual rollout from our updates-testing repository.
Visit this page to get more information about WP Optimization Suite. The WP Optimization Suite for CloudLinux OS Shared PRO will be available at the end of Q3.
New updated Alt-PHP packages are now available for download from our updates-testing repository.
A new updated Alt-PHP81 package is now available for download from our updates-testing repository.
A new updated squid34* package within CloudLinux OS 6 ELS has been scheduled for gradual rollout from our production repository.
New updated packages related to our new tool – WP Optimization Suite for CloudLinux OS Solo are now available for download from our updates-testing repository.
New updated MySQL 8.0 (CloudLinux OS 7 and 8) and MySQL Governor packages have been rolled out to 100% and are now available for download from our production repository.
New updated EasyApache 4 packages have been scheduled for gradual rollout from our production repository.
A new updated squid package within CloudLinux OS 6 ELS has been scheduled for gradual rollout from our production repository.
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