A new updated alt-PHP-X-Ray package has been scheduled for gradual rollout from our production repository.
A new updated clouldinux-fchange-0.3-3 package is now available for download from our updates-testing repository.
We are pleased to announce that the new updated WHMCS plugin version 1.3.9 is now available. This latest version embodies further improvements of the product as well as the new features.
New updated kernel v.4.10.0-305.12.1 and kernel module kmod-lve-2.0-36 for CloudLinux 8 and CloudLinux 7 Hybrid are now available for download from our updates-testing repository.
New updated rhn-client-tools packages have been scheduled for gradual rollout from our production repository.
A new updated dkms package for CloudLinux OS 7 hybrid is now available for download from our hybrid-testing repository.
New updated LVE-Utils and Alt-Python27-cllib packages have been rolled out to 100% and are now available for download from our production repository.
A new updated alt-php-xray package is now available for download from our updates-testing repository.
New updated MariaDB 10.2, MariaDB 10.3, MariaDB 10.4, and MariaDB 10.5 packages for MySQL Governor have been scheduled for gradual rollout from our production repository.
A new updated cldeploy script version 1.79 is now available for download from the CloudLinux repository https://repo.cloudlinux.com/cloudlinux/sources/cln/cldeploy.
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