CloudLinux 8 with 4.18 kernel is ready for production
These tough days we are still here and working to make your shared hosting servers stable and efficient with a new CloudLinux 8 with the 4.18 kernel.
We released the CloudLinux 8 candidate a month ago and it showed a great performance and strong workability on the DirectAdmin servers.
We also conducted our regular synthetic tests to ensure CloudLinux 8 stability and fixed the known issue with CageFS and Python applications mentioned in the CloudLinux 8 release candidate announcement.
Please also note that the cloudlinux-release and rhn-client-tools packages related to the gradual rollout system were released to our production repository.
How to update
To update from CloudLinux 8 to the new CloudLinux 8.1, run the following commands:
$ dnf clean all
$ dnf upgrade
How to install
The best way to install CloudLinux 8 is to convert a CentOS 8 server.
- Get either by getting trial subscription or by purchasing subscription.
- Download the conversion script: cldeploy.
- If you have an activation key, run the following commands:
$ wget $ sh cldeploy -k
- If you have an IP-based license, run the following commands:
$ sh cldeploy -i
- Reboot by running the following command:
$ reboot
Once you reboot, you are running CloudLinux kernel with LVE enabled.
Alternatively, you can download and install CloudLinux 8 from the following repositories:
- - network installation ISO
- - DVD installation ISO
Mount and boot the image, then follow the following steps.
1. Configure a network connection as shown below.
2. Configure installation sources: select the On the network installation source and enter the following repository URL: Also, add the additional AppStream repository URL:
3. Select software: select the Minimal install environment.