CloudLinux OS+ frequently asked questions

After the release of our next-generation operating system, CloudLinux OS+, we’ve received a lot of different questions from our customers. So we've prepared this short FAQ to cover most of the topics.
- Q. What is CloudLinux OS+? Is it an entirely different OS?
A. CloudLinux OS+ is the same operating system, yet with some extra features added on top. If you are an existing CloudLinux OS user, nothing changes for you! However, there is always an option to try some extra features that CloudLinux OS+ brings to the table.
- Q. What is CloudLinux OS+? Is it an entirely different OS?
- Q. What CloudLinux OS kernel versions are available for conversion to CloudLinux OS+?
A. Any CloudLinux OS version can be upgraded to CloudLinux OS+. CloudLinux OS+ also will include extended lifecycle support for CloudLinux OS 6 for free to our OS+ customers.
- Q. What CloudLinux OS kernel versions are available for conversion to CloudLinux OS+?
- Q. I've upgraded CloudLinux OS to CloudLinux OS+. What happens with my existing servers? Do I have to do any extra steps on a server-side?
A. As long as your system receives fresh updates, you're good to go! If you haven't updated the system recently, make sure that you have updates compatible with CloudLinux OS+ installed on the server. Here are the requirements for the PHP X-Ray and Centralized Monitoring components.
- Q. I've upgraded CloudLinux OS to CloudLinux OS+. What happens with my existing servers? Do I have to do any extra steps on a server-side?
- Q. I've purchased my CloudLinux OS license somewhere else (not directly with CloudLinux). Can I still upgrade it to CloudLinux OS+?
A. Yes, you can. CloudLinux OS+ is only available direct from us, so you will only need to create a CLN account with us, purchase your CloudLinux OS+ licenses there, and deactivate your old OS licenses with your reseller.
- Q. I've purchased my CloudLinux OS license somewhere else (not directly with CloudLinux). Can I still upgrade it to CloudLinux OS+?
- Q. I have a CloudLinux Reseller account; I do not resell licenses and still wish to subscribe to CloudLinux OS+. Can I?
A. Yes you can. You can purchase CloudLinux OS+ licenses for your own servers via CLN as all other our products.
- Q. I have a CloudLinux Reseller account; I do not resell licenses and still wish to subscribe to CloudLinux OS+. Can I?
- Q. What if I want to use CloudLinux OS+ while my licenses were purchased somewhere else?
A. In that case, you can cancel CloudLinux OS reseller licenses & purchase them with us directly. If you have any doubts along the process, don't hesitate to contact our team for assistance.
- Q. What if I want to use CloudLinux OS+ while my licenses were purchased somewhere else?
- Q. Can end-users run PHP X-ray?
A. No, they can’t at the moment, but you can send them reports with all the information. This functionality can be added later if we’ll receive enough requests. Please contact us at if you are interested.
- Q. Can end-users run PHP X-ray?
- Q. Does Centralized Monitoring require an installation of a specific agent or it’s integrated on CloudLinux OS+ packages?
A. Centralized Monitoring special package will be automatically installed on all your CloudLinux OS+ servers after the license activation.
- Q. Does Centralized Monitoring require an installation of a specific agent or it’s integrated on CloudLinux OS+ packages?
- Q. Does Centralized Monitoring give the ability to configure custom dashboards showing custom groups of servers?
A. No. But this functionality can be added later if we’ll receive enough requests. Please contact us at if you are interested.
- Q. Does Centralized Monitoring give the ability to configure custom dashboards showing custom groups of servers?
- Q. Does Centralized Monitoring provide notifications of specific usage?
A. Yes, you can set up the custom notifications and alerts most suitable for your infrastructure.
- Q. Does Centralized Monitoring provide notifications of specific usage?
- Q. Do you need to install extra WordPress modules for PHP X-Ray?
A. No, you don’t need to install any additional software, PHP X-Ray works right out-of-the-box.
- Q. Do you need to install extra WordPress modules for PHP X-Ray?
CloudLinux OS+ offers superior PHP performance bottlenecks tracking, automated server monitoring, and an upgraded version of customer support. Learn more about CloudLinux OS+ and get a free trial.
Check the Documentation page for more details about individual CL OS+ components. More questions and answers at CloudLinux OS+ FAQ.