Extended Lifecycle Support for CloudLinux OS 6

We at CloudLinux are offering extended lifecycle support for CloudLinux OS 6. Development of version 6 stops in November of this year, but our support for it will continue through 2024.
Why Are We Offering It?
Why are we offering extended lifecycle support for version 6 of the CloudLinux OS? We understand that many enterprises and hosting companies aren’t yet ready to migrate to a new version of CloudLinux OS, and we’re committed to supporting them in the meantime.
What Does It Include?
What does this extended lifecycle support include? Continued patching and updates for elements critical to web hosting, such as Apache, PHP, MySQL, Glibc, OpenSSL, and OpenSSH. And, as part of this support, cPanel will continue to support CloudLinux OS 6.
How Long Does It Run?
Extended lifecycle support for CloudLinux OS 6 runs through June of 2024. This makes it possible to skip version 7 and migrate directly to CloudLinux OS 8 in 2024. We anticipate that a few enterprises will employ this option, and we’re happy to make that possible.
How Much Does It Cost?
For the first year, CloudLinux OS 6 customers will be charged a 10% premium on top of our current published standard CloudLinux OS pricing to cover Extended Lifecycle Support. For year two, the fee is an additional 20%, and after that time it’s 30%. This pricing* begins on December 1st for regular accounts. For CloudLinux resellers, this extended support pricing will begin January 1. We will provide API/UI reports that help identify servers running version 6.
*Customers who would like to keep their current CloudLinux OS pricing need only upgrade to version 7 or 8, and the usual pricing will apply.
How Do You Get It?
You don't need to do anything. On December 1 this year all CloudLinux OS 6 servers will automatically convert to extended lifecycle support.
More info at: https://www.cloudlinux.com/extended-support-cloudlinux-os-6