Tag: cloudlinux-os-solo

Beta: CloudLinux OS Solo released


Today, I’m very pleased to announce that a new operating system for VPS and dedicated servers with a single hosting account for any number of websites – CloudLinux OS Solo – released to beta.

New CloudLinux OS Solo Release

solo-releaseTry a new operating system for your single user account for free and optimize your server and website performance.

The CloudLinux team is pleased to announce the new CloudLinux OS Solo, a secure and reliable operating system engineered for small businesses. Become an early adopter and test a beta version for free. We aim to offer small businesses a server operating system focused on the reliability and security of web applications.

New Linux OS for small businesses and individuals with just one hosting account


Register for Beta testing and get a chance to make a difference in product development.


Why did create a new Operating System?

Our starting point was clear. Based on research results, our clients overwhelmingly want the classic CloudLinux OS with VPS and VMs, which only a few users then utilize. One main request is a robust set of CloudLinux features on one server at affordable prices. Consequently, we found hundreds of VPSs with five or fewer websites hosted by a single client, many of which use VMs for staging and production. Some clients want a stable OS with technical support that is secure and not open-sourced.



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