Tag: cloudlinuxos

Migration paths from CloudLinux OS 7


As you might know, CloudLinux 7 will reach End-of-Life (EOL) support on June 30, 2024. For those who are not ready to migrate, we'll continue to provide security fixes for the foreseeable future in the range of ELS program.

Update on CloudLinux OS 7 EOL


CloudLinux has recently announced the end-of-life for CloudLinux OS 7 (June 30, 2024). But don't fret; we're here to guide you through this transition with clarity and give you enough time to migrate to the latest version of CloudLinux OS. Here are updates on CloudLinux OS 7 EOL and its current status.


CloudLinux Now Offers Seamless Switching Between Editions


CloudLinux has made transitioning between editions smoother than ever. With all license editions unified under a single software package, customers can easily switch licenses and activate new features. Now, users can seamlessly move from CL Solo to CL Admin/Shared/Shared PRO, regardless of LVE support, and explore multiple transition paths for greater flexibility and choice.

Tech Update: CloudLinux 9 and cPanel 118 Integration Now Stable for Production

CloudLinux 9 and cPanel 118 Integration
The CloudLinux OS team is pleased to announce that CL9 + cPanel is now ready for production use. After eagerly awaiting the stable release of cPanel version 118, we can now officially confirm its availability. For detailed information on supported operating systems for cPanel, check out the official documentation here.


Enhancing Hosting Experience: CloudLinux OS Now Supports Webuzo Control Panel

Webuzo Control Panel Now Supports CloudLinux OS

For hosting providers who rely on the Webuzo control panel, exciting news awaits. The CloudLinux OS and Webuzo teams have been hard at work to provide seamless integration between the two. This blog post will walk you through the developments, supported features, and installation process, for hosting providers who use Webuzo as their preferred control panel.

CVE-2023-4863 Security Vulnerability: CloudLinux Takes Action - Mitigation for CloudLinux OS Servers

CL_CVE-2023-4863 Security Vulnerability_V1 copy

A newly discovered critical WebP 0-day security vulnerability, identified as CVE-2023-4863, CloudLinux OS team We are actively addressing and mitigating the security issue within our software. 


To summarize the impact on different CloudLinux versions:

  • CloudLinux 7: No vulnerability found.
  • CloudLinux 8: Fixed version is libwebp-1.0.0-8.el8_8.1, please update your OS to this version.
  • CloudLinux 9: Fixed version is libwebp-1.2.0-7.el9_2, please update your OS to this version.

Streamlined License Management: CloudLinux Shared and Share Pro Combined Under One CLN User Account

Shared&Pro under one account

We are thrilled to announce a technical improvement that simplifies license management for our customers. We have integrated CloudLinux Shared and Share Pro products into a single CloudLinux Network (CLN) user account, eliminating the need for multiple accounts. This integration streamlines access to both license types, simplifying administration and reducing operational complexities.

CloudLinux OS 8 and 9 in post RedHat world

CloudLinux OS 8 and 9 in post RedHat world

Today CloudLinux OS OS 8 and 9 are based on AlmaLinux OS. The recent news from RedHat brings up a lot of questions regarding the feasibility of that solution going forward. CloudLinux remains committed to being a sponsor of the AlmaLinux OS Foundation. We believe there is a need for free, enterprise-grade operating systems.



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